
DPAI worked together with Laurier throughout 2019 to create a conceptual design and strategic renovation plan for much needed building upgrades. Carefully planned alterations to re-organize and refresh exterior facades will increase permeability and address barrier free access and security controls. Transformative key façade updates aim to increase public engagement with the surrounding Brantford community and improve the public realm and streetscape. Interior public atrium refinements create a unique opportunity for students to have their own expansive urban interior space re-adapted for re-use as a main and active multi-use and multi-level gathering space at the very heart of the Brantford campus.

Wilfrid Laurier University acquired One Market, an underutilized former ‘Eaton’s’ shopping mall as part of Laurier’s vision to establish an urban campus in the historic City of Brantford downtown core. Originally constructed in 1985, the aging building revitalization is intended to create much needed vibrant student spaces for gathering, meeting, learning combined with an innovative mix of University and public commercial retail.

Wilfrid Laurier University
120,750 sf + 74,712 sf
Brantford, ON

The renovation and upgrades plan provided detailed analysis and Class D costing report that outlines viable options for Laurier, allowing the University to target funding opportunities with identified amounts enabling the redevelopment of One Market to be accomplished in phases while the building remains occupied. Initial renovations have already been completed, including facility mechanical and electrical infrastructure upgrades plus student program space and staff offices.

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