Design + Construction Standards Document

City of Vaughn
Vaughn, ON


The City of Vaughan identified a need to prepare a design and construction standards document (DCS) for re-occurring building infrastructure projects (fire stations, community centres and libraries). The DCS was required to be inclusive of functional building programs, functional program adjacency diagrams, space and room layout drawings, room data sheets and performance-based specifications. The document was developed through a performance-based approach – thereby extending its relevancy and reliability over time. The document reflects the City’s culture of design excellence with strong considerations for functionality, accessibility, sustainability, resiliency, and architectural design.

Our team developed a functional program for each building type with continual consultation from the client’s engineering consultants. In conjunction with functional program development, the relationship between programmatic spaces was also established. Our team developed design briefs for each building type to include Building Type Description, Guiding Design Principles, General Design Criteria, and Description of Systems (Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, A/V and Communications).

The project also involved the development of a sustainability brief, presented as an aspirational document with high level concepts to be considered in future buildings. The concepts and standards outlined in the brief aim to transcend the technologies and sustainable strategies known today and provide high-level guidance for how City assets are built, owned and operated for decades. The Sustainability Brief also considers aspects such as, site context (e.g., connections to community and natural environment), building performance, resiliency, and user comfort (e.g., health and wellness).

Room layout diagrams (RLD) were also produced for each building type based on the information outlined in the functional program and room data sheets. The Performance Specifications was prepared as one overall document which captures both the common needs of all re-occurring building types as well as any specific requirements unique to the re-occurring building types.