Brampton Fire Station 215


DPAI was engage by the City of Brampton to design a highly sustainable fire station that both achieves and exceeds their energy targets. It is equipped with a 20 kW Roof-top PV System above the apparatus bay, a green roof over crew roof areas, Triple Pane glazing systems, high performance building envelope with a R-60 Roof, R-40 Walls, and R-15 Slab on grade, two EV fire trucks, and four EV parking spaces with provisions for future EV charging. This fully electric building will operate with a 500 kVa Pad-mounted Transformer, utilizing a Natural Gas Backup Generator, an ERV + VRF Mechanical Plant and Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System. The design targets energy metrics, with a TEUI of 190 kwh/m2, a TEDI of 84 kwh/m2, and a GHGI of 3.0 kg CO2/ m2.

“Sustainability and durability are key considerations in the design of Brampton Fire Station 215.”

City of Brampton
11,000 sf
Brampton, ON
In Construction

The station is design to include amble amount of glazing externally and internally to allow for occupants to have a visual cue of their location within the building with the exterior. At minimum, 75% of the regularly occupied spaces have a direct line of sight to the outdoors with views that incorporate flora, fauna, or sky, movement, or objects at least 25 feet from the exterior of the glazing.

Custom design elements have been integrated into the dormitory rooms to enhance the end-user experience. Recognizing that abrupt alarms can cause significant stress for firefighters during nighttime emergencies, amber-colored lighting has been installed to subtly illuminate the dorms prior to the alarms sounding. This feature provides a visual cue for those asleep, enabling a more gradual and less stressful wake-up process when responding to emergency calls.